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Turriff Area

TurriffTurriff is situated 34 miles north west of Aberdeen, and is a thriving little marketing town which supports the local farming community. There are four churches in the town: two Church of Scotland (one of which is St. Ninian's and Forglen), one Episcopalian and one Baptist.

Turriff is a very friendly, growing town with a rising population of a little over five thousand. The crime rate is one of the lowest in Scotland.

Turriff is on the A947 Aberdeen to Turriff road and there is an hourly bus service to Aberdeen which takes just a little over an hour to the centre of the city. The road also leads north to Banff and Macduff on the Moray Firth coast.

The town has a busy High Street and Main Street with plenty of shops. There is a large department store (which is famous in the north east) called Celebrations which also has a very nice restaurant. Turriff also has four banks, a post office, and two chemists. A well known supermarket provides food shopping and the larger towns of Huntly and Inverurie are within a radius of about 22 miles. Markethill Primary and Turriff Academy are the schools in Turriff.

Turriff ShowTurriff has many amenities including a swimming pool and a sports centre. There is a very popular football team with a good football ground and new stand who have just been promoted to the Highland league. There is a well equipped play area in the local park called The Haughs. This is where the Turriff Show, the annual Agriculture Show is held, which is the largest two day show in Scotland and is attended by thousands of people from all over the country every year.  Turriff has a beautiful eighteen hole golf course and a small tennis court. One of the most popular sports amongst the older people is the bowling green, and indoor bowls during the winter. There is an active Angling Club who fish on a stretch of the River Deveron. For the indoor people there is a popular Bridge Club.

As well as all the clubs and events put on by the church there are a lot of community activities for children including Boys' Brigade and Scouts, Girl Guides and Brownies, and a school of dance. Army Cadets and RAF Cadets are very well attended by both girls and boys. For adults we have an active drama group called Stagecraft who put on shows and plays in the Academy Hall.

Turra Coo statueTurriff is an old town with a long history, it was founded many centuries ago by a group of monks, and even the Templar Knights were thought to have been here. But in more recent times Turriff was famous for the Turra (Turriff) Coo, this was back at the turn of the twentieth century when the government of the day ruled that employers should pay an Insurance Stamp for their employees. There was one farmer who refused, and the sheriff's officers impounded one of his cows to pay for the stamps. There was an uproar in the farming community about this so they paid to get the cow back. There is a statue in the High Street commemorating this event.

What's On This Week

Wednesday 5th February 2025 9.45-11.30am
Friendship Cafe
In the Church
Wednesday 5th February 2025 2.30-4pm
St Ninian`s and Forglen Church Guild
In the Church
Sunday 9th February 2025 11am 
Sunday Service at St Ninian`s and Forglen Church
Led by Rev Kevin Gruer
in the Church and on Youtube
Wednesday 12th February 2025 9.45-11.30am
Friendship Cafe
In the Church
Wednesday 12th February 7.30-9pm
St Ninian`s and Forglen Church Women`s group
In the Church
Sunday 16th February 2024 11am
Sunday Service at St Ninian`s and Forglen Church
Led by Rev Kevin Gruer
in the Church and on Youtube

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