The church building was completely refurbished and redeveloped in 2009, and has facilities of the highest standard. The building is available to let for a range of activities and uses by organisations wishing to use the facilities. Rooms of varying sizes (all compliant with the Disability Discrimination Act) can be booked individually or in various combinations. There are flexible layouts in different rooms, including theatre style, concert or conference facilities. The main sanctuary can seat 200 comfortably on the ground floor, plus an additional 100 in the balcony.
Audio visual equipment and catering facilities including hot meals are also available on request.
Charges for building lets are tiered for commercial, standard and charity rates and a price list is available from the church office.
For more information, and to see if we can accommodate your particular requirements, please contact the Church Development Officer on 01888 560282.
The St Ninian's and Forglen Church Development Project was part-financed by
the Scottish Government and the European Community Rural Aberdeenshire
LEADER 2007-2013 Programme.
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